Revista indexada Energies 2020, 13(6), 1307. Impact Factor: 2.707

Alejandro Cabeza-Prieto, M. Soledad Camino-Olea, M.A. Rodríguez-Esteban, Alfredo Llorente-Álvarez, M.Paz Sáez-Pérez

To improve the energy performance of restored cultural heritage buildings, it is necessary to know the real values of thermal conductivity of its envelope, mainly of the facades, and to study an intervention strategy that does not interfere with the preservation of their cultural and architectural values. The brick walls with which a large number of these buildings were constructed, usually absorb water, leading to their deterioration, whereas the heat transmission through them is much higher (than when they are dry). This aspect is often not taken into account when making interventions to improve the energy efficiency of these buildings, which makes them ineffective. This article presents the results of an investigation that analyzes thermal behavior buildings of the early 20th century in the city of Zamora, Spain. It has been concluded that avoiding moisture in brick walls not only prevents its deterioration but represents a significant energy saving, especially in buildings that have porous brick masonry walls and with significant thicknesses.

February 2019 IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 471(8):082059

M. Soledad Camino-Olea, Alejandro Cabeza-Prieto, Alfredo Llorente-Álvarez, M.Paz Sáez-Pérez, M.A. Rodríguez-Esteban

In the energy efficiency restoration, one of the most important aspects to consider is the loss of heat through the enclosing walls, for which constructive solutions are sought to improve their thermal performance, being usual to place a sheet of insulating material on the inner side of the facade, avoiding intervening on the outside, so as not to alter the appearance of the buildings. This fact is aggravated in the buildings built with brick factory, especially in those belonging to the Historical Heritage whose walls are raised with handmade bricks joined by mortar joints. This type of wall has a high porosity, whose immediate consequence is the absorption of a large amount of water, which is a good conductor of heat, which means that a wall saturated with water has a higher thermal conductance than being dry, increasing the consumption of energy needed to thermally condition the interior. Applying the current regulations, in order to determine the thermal conductivity of the mentioned walls, laboratory tests have been carried out on dry and saturated specimens and also on similar materials. The analytical study of the values obtained from the thermal conductance of the brick factory wall in wet state and in dry state offers data with important variations. The most immediate conclusions are two, firstly that it is necessary to know the state of humidity of the facades to determine the insulating behavior of the same and that to save energy and achieve an effective intervention, it is necessary to act on the outside of the walls, keeping it dry by applying treatments on the facades

Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management May 15-18

M. Soledad Camino-Olea, Alfredo Llorente-Álvarez, Alejandro Cabeza-Prieto, M.Paz Sáez-Pérez, M.A. Rodríguez-Esteban

In the energy efficiency restoration, one of the most important aspects to consider is the loss of heat through the enclosing walls, for which constructive solutions are sought to improve their thermal performance, being usual to place a sheet of insulating material on the inner side of the facade, avoiding intervening on the outside, so as not to alter the appearance of the buildings. This fact is aggravated in the buildings built with brick factory, especially in those belonging to the Historical Heritage whose walls are raised with handmade bricks joined by mortar joints. This type of wall has a high porosity, whose immediate consequence is the absorption of a large amount of water, which is a good conductor of heat, which means that a wall saturated with water has a higher thermal conductance than being dry, increasing the consumption of energy needed to thermally condition the interior. Applying the current regulations, in order to determine the thermal conductivity of the mentioned walls, laboratory tests have been carried out on dry and saturated specimens and also on similar materials. The analytical study of the values obtained from the thermal conductance of the brick factory wall in wet state and in dry state offers data with important variations. The most immediate conclusions are two, firstly that it is necessary to know the state of humidity of the facades to determine the insulating behavior of the same and that to save energy and achieve an effective intervention, it is necessary to act on the outside of the walls, keeping it dry by applying treatments on the facades

VI Congreso  Edificios de Energía Casi Nula. Madrid 22 Octubre de 2019.

Alejandro Cabeza-Prieto, Julio González-Quintas, Alberto Arias-Horas

La intervención, fruto de la obtención del Primer Premio “Renove Manoteras”, tiene como matriz ser un caso singular y de estudio, detonante de la transformación de la edificación del barrio dando solución a la problemática de pobreza energética y de déficit de accesibilidad. Además de la resolución de la accesibilidad y del estudio para la reducción de la transmitancia térmica de la envolvente, se proponen dos grandes actuaciones, la colocación de un gran muro captador tipo trombe, y la colocación de protecciones solares y mallorquinas, reinterpretación de las técnicas tradicionales bioclimáticas, siendo estas actuaciones matriz compositiva. La comunicación expone el proyecto, el proceso de simulación energética y la obra terminada.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 603, Issue 3

M. Soledad Camino-Olea, Alfredo Llorente-Álvarez, Alejandro Cabeza-Prieto, Jose María Olivar-Parra

The soaking of rainwater into brick walls of cultural heritage can be the source of various injuries due to the processes of migration and crystallization of salts, the formation of ice inside them in rainy and cold areas, as well as the growth of organisms in humid areas. The ancient handmade bricks and the mortar used in the construction of these walls are porous materials in which water penetrates easily and is therefore very exposed to these deterioration processes. One of the most usual solution to avoid it is to apply a surface treatment by water-repellent products to prevent the entry of rainwater. The handmade bricks are orthohedrons with more or less flat faces, which do not present grooves, recesses or perforations like mechanical bricks, meaning that at the interface between brick and mortar there may be discontinuities that facilitate the entry of rainwater. The values of water absorption and brick and mortar are high, which also favours the entry of direct rainwater through the materials. The hydrophobic facade treatments are usually applied by projection on the surface of the facade and the discontinuities that the surface of the facade presents could have the result that the application of the water repellent would not be effective. For this reason, a test procedure was designed and executed on four walls built in a garden. Above them, water was projected imitating rain. The data was captured by infrared thermography and humidity probes, in order to analyse the efficiency and hydrophobicity and to study if the test method was valid.

I Congreso Internacional sobre Investigación en Construcción y Tecnología Arquitectónicas», 11-13 JUN 2014, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid. ISBN 978-84-617-0504-7

Alejandro Cabeza-Prieto, Carmen Sánchez-Guevara, M. Soledad Camino-Olea

Dada la actual situación de crisis económica, la rehabilitación del parque edificado existente resulta fundamental por la reducción de los costes energéticos asociados al uso de la edificación, la disminución de las necesidades energéticas de los hogares y la reconversión del sector de la construcción. Es por ello que resulta imprescindible avanzar en el desarrollo de intervenciones que mejoren el comportamiento de la arquitectura existente. El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de las aportaciones de la inercia térmica al comportamiento térmico de los edificios. Esta investigación parte de la idea de que cualquier disposición de materiales en la conformación constructiva conlleva una posible acumulación de calor y regulación en el tiempo de las fluctuaciones de temperatura y que por tanto estas variables no pueden quedarse fuera de campo de estudio. La metodología de la investigación que aquí se presenta, se puede dividir en dos partes fundamentales: Una primera en la que se analiza en condiciones de laboratorio la influencia que ejerce la aportación de inercia térmica a un espacio de volumen conocido, en función exclusivamente de la capacidad de acumulación de energía. Para este primer análisis, se construye una probeta en el laboratorio, a través de la cual se realizan una serie de ensayos, en el que en primer lugar se caracterizan los equipos y la probeta, y a continuación se llevan a cabo variaciones de la masa térmica útil de la misma. Se monitorizan las variables y se analizan los resultados obtenidos mediante gráficas comparativas en función de diferentes parámetros que se establecen al comienzo de cada uno de los ensayos. En un segundo paso en la investigación, se evalúa la influencia de la inercia situada en los elementos que componen la envolvente de un módulo experimental (…)